Just The Facts

In a world where casual intimacy seems popular, is there room for abstinence? Absolutely! In fact, to wait until you are in a committed lifelong partnership with someone can be beneficial not only for your mind but also for your body. Let’s look at the facts. Abstinence is the only 100% for sure way to not get an STD or become a mom or dad before you are ready.

The Physcological Effects of Intimacy 

Intimacy in a relationship comes with psychological repercussions. Having connected with someone on such a personal level without commitment can leave you with lasting unwanted effects. On the other hand, practicing abstinence can help you define what healthy looks like for you. Presenting boundaries and sticking to them can be empowering.

Abstinence also creates a time to get to know someone on a personal level without the distraction intimacy can bring. What are their likes, dislikes? Are you compatible?

Why Is it so Complicated?

Nobody said abstinence was easy, if it was, we sure could avoid a lot of problems. Depression, Suicide and poverty have been linked to intimacy too early in a relationship. Luckily, we have the choice to define what is good for us. We can avoid all unhealthy activity if we just give ourselves time and space to find the right partner and create a committed, lifelong relationship. We are in control of our destiny and this choice is a big one.

Most Importantly, Take Care of You!

If you are uncertain, now is a good time to talk to loved ones, trusted friends, counselors and pastors who have your best interest. Gather the information and educate yourself on the risks including STDs and unplanned pregnancy. What is popular or common isn’t always right.  Remember, you are in control. Love and take care of yourself first. 


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